The Common European Sales Law in Context:
Interactions with English and German Law (Oxford
University Press 2013), 789 + lxvii pp
co-editor with Stefan Vogenauer and contributor, see below
Reviewed in:
European Private Law News (22 November 2013) (E
Die ungewollte Diskriminierung in
der internationalen Rechtsanwendung: Zur
Anwendung, Berücksichtigung und Anpassung von Normen aus
unterschiedlichen Rechtsordnungen [Accidental
Discrimination in the Conflict of Laws: applying,
considering and adjusting legal norms in cases involving
different jurisdictions] (Mohr Siebeck 2004), 528 + xxii
(2005) 94 Revue Critique de Droit International Privé
248 (Ch Tsouca)
(2008) 44 Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e
processuale 640-41 (I Viarengo)
The German Law of Obligations,
Volume I: The Law of Contracts and Restitution:
a Comparative Introduction (Clarendon Press 1997), 942 +
xlvii pp
together with Basil S Markesinis and Werner Lorenz
Recht sprechen - German for
lawyers (The Law Society 1994), ca. 4½h
audiotape course and a course book with a glossary, 137 + viii
together with Thorsten Pötzsch and Sibylle Weigel
Schadensersatz bei Verletzung der
Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention: Eine
rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur Haftung nach Art. 50
EMRK [Compensation for Violation of the European
Convention on Human Rights Under Its Article 50] (Carl
Heymanns Verlag 1994)
512 + xxii pp (with an English summary)
Reviewed in:
(1995) 4 Aktuelle Juristische Praxis 684-85 (A
'German Law in English. A select
bibliography' (DAAD, Reihe Dokumentationen &
Materialien No 10, 2nd edn, 1993), 113 pp
together with Gereon Thiele and Nikolaus Hermann
also published online in the German Law Archive: <>
'Tiefgehende Einschnitte.
Großbritannien fünf Jahre nach dem Brexit', in:
(2025) 32 Forschung & Lehre 8-11 (together with Paolo
'"A very high authority, Pothier...":
Comparative Reasoning in Nineteenth Century English Contract
Law Cases', in: Vincent Sagaert and Joeri Vananroye
(eds), Privaatrecht Plenis Coloribus. Liber
Amicorum Matthias Storme (Wulters Kluwer 2024),
'FA Mann, His Correspondence, and This
Book', in: Jason Allen and Gerhard Dannemann (eds), F.A.
Mann: The Lawyer and His Legacy (Oxford
University Press 2024), 1-17 (together with Jason Allen)
'Jurisdiction and Private International
Law: FA Mann's Unnvollendete?', in: Jason Allen and Gerhard Dannemann
(eds), F.A.
Mann: The Lawyer and His Legacy (Oxford
University Press 2024), 163-178
in: Jason Allen and Gerhard Dannemann (eds), F.A.
Mann: The Lawyer and His Legacy (Oxford
University Press 2024), 379-392 (together with Jason
'Performance-based unjust
enrichment: a legal transplant from Germany?',
in: Jonas Atmaz Al-Sibaie and Jordan English (eds),
The Laws of Restitution, in: (2024) Lloyd's Maritime
and Commercial Law Quarterly 353-374, 359-360
Wolff' Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women
(15 February 2024)
together with Annette B. Vogt
'Unerschwinglichkeit als Grenze der
primären Leistungspflicht im BGB' in Antje G. Tölle,
Jörg Benedict, Harald Koch, Stephan Klawitter, Christoph G
Paulus and Friedrich Preetz (eds), Stelbstbestimmung:
Freiheit und Grenzen. Festschrift für Reinhard Singer zum 70.
Geburtstag (Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag 2021) 107-23
'Gute Wissenschaft braucht klare
Regeln. Eine Entgegnung zu: Andreas Fisahn, Wahrheit und
Fußnote - Wissenschaftliche Ehrlichkeit und der
Plagiatspranger, NJW 2020, 743-747' [2021] (41) myops
and Legislators as Comparative Lawyers' in Gregor
Bachmann, Stefan Grundmann, Anja Mengel and Kaspar Krolop (eds),
Festschrift für Christine Windbichler zum 70. Geburtstag
(de Gruyter 2020) 19-32
'The ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms' (2020) 9 Journal
of European Consumer and Market Law 61-70
together with Christoph Busch, Hans Schulte-Nölke, Aneta
Wiewiorowska-Domagalska and Fryderyk Zoll
'Gewinnhaftung und Zuweisung' in Karl-Heinz Danzl, Barbara
Dauner-Lieb and Alexander Wittwer (eds), Deutsches,
österreichisches und internationales Schadensersatzrecht:
Festschrift für Christian Huber zum 65. Geburtstag (CH
Beck 2020) 67-78
'The Correspondence of Frederick Alexander Mann (1907-1991)'
(British Institute of European and Comparative Law 2018)
together with Christoph König and Franziska Stamm, also
published as monograph
'Nicht mehr als
ein Anfang' [2018] (05) Deutsche Universitäts-Zeitung 11
together with Debora Weber-Wulff and Roland Schimmel
'WiseWoman' in Carsten Busch,
Jürgen Sieck and Gefei Zhang (eds), Forschung, Lehre &
Ethik: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff
(Buchdruck Jürgens 2017) 99-105
'Adaptation' in Stefan Leible
(ed), General Principles of European Private International
Law (Kluwer Law International 2016), 331-42
'Ist Großbritannien nach dem Referendum auf dem Weg zurück zur
Wahldiktatur?' ['After the Referendum: Is the UK Heading
Back to Elective Dictatorship?'] Tagesspiegel Causa
(Berlin, 25 June 2016)
'Discussion Draft of a Directive on Online Intermediary
Platforms' (2016) 5 Journal of European Consumer and
Market Law 164-69
together with Christoph Busch, Hans Schulte-Nölke, Aneta
Wiewiorowska-Domagalska and Fryderyk Zoll (Research group on the
Law of Digital Services)
'Interakce mezi evropským právem a
národními právními systémi' ['Interaction with European
Law and National Legal Systems'] in Luboš Tichy (ed), Ochrana
spotÅ™ebitele [Consumer protection] (Centrum právni
komparatistiky, Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze
2014) 89-98
Neutrality in Legal Translation' in Barbara Pasa and Lucia
Morra (eds), Translating the DCFR and Drafting the CESL. A
Pragmatic Perspective (Sellier 2014) 119-24
'Choice of CESL and Conflict of Laws'
in Gerhard Dannemann and Stefan Vogenauer (eds), The Common
European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and
German Law (Oxford University Press 2013) 21-81
'Verjährungsfrist für Plagiatsvergehen? Contra' [2012]
Forschung & Lehre 551
also published with a different heading and summary provided by
the editors: 'Promotionsbetrug
darf nicht verjähren! Gastbeitrag zu den Plagiaten' Spiegel
Online (16 July 2012)
'Le cadre général de la responsabilité
civile: point de vue extérieur' in Groupe de Recherche
Européen sur la Responsabilité Civile et l'Assurance (GRERCA), Le
droit français de la responsabilité civile confronté aux
projets européens d'harmonisation. Recueil des travaux du
Groupe de Recherche Européen sur la Responsabilité Civile et
l'Assurance (GRERCA) (IRJS Éditions 2012) 763-68
'Contracts and other Juridical Acts in the DCFR' in
Vincent Sagaert, Matthias E Storme and Evelyne Terryn (eds), The
Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative
perspectives (Intersentia 2012) 9-20
Wiki (as of 16 May 2011)
s.n. PlagProf:-), with contributions by Externer, Frangge,
Kannitverstan, KayH, Marcusb, Meriten4Lau, Nerd_wp and PlagDoc
'Common-law based contracts under German Law' in Giuditta
Cordero-Moss (ed), Boilerplate Clauses, International
Commercial Contracts and the Applicable Law (Cambridge
University Press 2011) 62-79
Wolff (1872-1953)' in Stefan Grundmann Stefan Grundmann,
Michael Kloepfer, Christoph G Paulus, Rainer Schröder and
Gerhard Werle (eds), Festschrift 200 Jahre Juristische
Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (De Gruyter
2010) 561-82
'Language and Terminology' in Christian Twigg-Flesner
(ed), The Cambridge Companion to European Union Private Law
(Cambridge University Press 2010) 70-84
together with Silvia Ferreri and Michele Graziadei
'Thèmes émergents dans le droit de la responsabilité
délictuelle' in John Cartwright, Stefan Vogenauer and
Simon Whittaker (eds), Regards comparatistes sur
l'avant-projet de réforme du droit des obligations et de la
prescription (Société de législation comparée 2010) 449-54
'Emerging Themes in the Law of Delict' in John Cartwright,
Stefan Vogenauer and Simon Whittaker (eds), Reforming the
French Law of Obligations: Comparative Reflections on the
Avant-projet de réforme du droit des obligations et de la
prescription ('the Avant-projet Catala') (Hart Publishing
2009) 419-22
'Glossary' in Research Group on Existing EC Private Law
(Acquis Group), Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law,
Contract I (Sellier 2007) 307-11 together with Silvia
Ferreri, Michele Graziadei and Irene Maier
'Die britische Limited in
rechtsvergleichender und kollisionsrechtlicher Perspektive'
in Rainer Schröder (ed), Die GmbH im europäischen Vergleich
(lexxion 2005) 11-25
'Martin Wolff (1872-1953)' in Jack Beatson and Reinhard
Zimmermann (eds), Jurists Uprooted. German-speaking Émigré
Lawyers in Twentieth-century Britain (Oxford University
Press 2004) 441-61
'Formation of Contracts on the Internet' in Peter Birks
and Arianna Pretto (eds), Themes in Comparative Law in
Honour of Bernard Rudden (Oxford University Press 2002)
Civil Code - Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch. Bilingual edition of
the provisions amended by the Law of Obligations Reform Act'
[2002] German Law Archive
together with Geoffrey Thomas
'Haftung für
die Verletzung von Verfahrensgarantien nach Art. 41 EMRK.
Zur Herausbildung europäischer Haftungsmaßstäbe' ['Compensation
for violation of procedural rights under Art. 41 ECHR'] (1999)
63 The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private
Law 452-70; [2001] Oxford University Comparative Law Forum No 5
'The Drafting of Consumer Credit Legislation - A
Structural Comparison Between the EU Directive and the English,
Irish and German Acts' in Hans Schulte-Nölke and Reiner Schulze
(eds), Europäische Rechtsangleichung und nationale
Privatrechte (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 1999) 191-204
'Education and Judicial Review in
Germany' (1996) 1 Education, Public Law and the
Individual 13-15
'Les Obstacles juridiques à la mobilité
des jeunes' in Communauté Française de Belgique, IIIè
Forum francophone des jeunes, Les rélations internationales de
jeunesse, Wègimont, février 1993 (1994) 65-69
'Primerjalni ocrt ustavnih pritozb
evropskih drzavah' ['A Comparative Outline of
Constitutional Complaints in European States'] in Slovenija
in evropska konvencija o clovekovih pravicah [Slovenia
and the European Convention on Human Rights] (Ljubljana
1993) 107-15
'Reform des
Verjährungsrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht - Hans
Stoll zum 65. Geburtstag am 4. August 1991' ['A Comparative
Approach to the Reform of the Law on Limitation of Actions -
...'] (1991) 55 The Rabel Journal of Comparative and
International Private Law 697-733
together with Fotios Karatzenis and Geoffrey V Thomas
'Das staatsvertragliche Kollisionsrecht
der DDR nach der Vereinigung' ['GDR International
Treaties on the Law of Conflicts After Unification'] (1991) 2
Deutsch-Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift 130-35
'Barriers to
Youth Mobility. Report to the European Steering Committee
for Intergovern-mental Co-operation in the Youth Field' (22
August 1988) Council of Europe Doc JE-BM (88) 2 = CEJ/MOBY (88)
'Legale Revolution - nationale
Revolution. Die Staatsrechtslehre zum Umbruch von 1933'
['Legal Revolution - National Revolution. The Position of
Constitutional Law Scholars on the 1933 Power Seizure'] in E-W
Böckenförde (ed), Staatsrecht
und Staatsrechtslehre im Dritten Reich (CF Müller
1985) 3-22
Eva Baginska (ed), Damages for Violations of Human
Rights: A Comparative Study of Domestic Legal Systems
(2016) 9 Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law
in (2017) 8
Journal of European Tort Law 372-75
Marco Loos and Ilse Samoy (eds), The Position of Small
and Medium-Sized Enterprises in European Contract Law
(Intersentia 2014)
in (2016)
53 Common Market Law Review 284-85
Vernon Valentine Palmer, The Louisiana Civil Experience.
Critiques of Codification in a Mixed Jurisdiction
(Carolina Academic Press 2005)
in (2006) 122 Law Quarterly Review 333-36
David J Ibbetson, A Historical Introduction to the Law of
Obligations (Oxford University Press 1999)
in (2001) 23 Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte 316-17
Christian von Bar, The Common European Law of Torts, Vol.
II (Oxford University Press 2000)
in (2001) 117 Law Quarterly Review 517-19
Christian von Bar, The Common European Law of Torts, Vol.
I (Clarendon Press 1998)
in (1999) 115 Law Quarterly Review 696-704
William Swadling (ed), The Limits of Restitutionary
Claims: a Comparative Analysis (United Kingdom National
Committee of Comparative Law in association with The British
Institute of International and Comparative Law 1997)
in (1998) 47
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 737-38
Ole Lando and Hugh Beale (eds), Principles of European
Contract Law, Part I: Performance, Non-Performance and
Remedies (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1995)
and Hein Kötz, Europäisches Vertragsrecht I (JCB Mohr
in (1997) 46
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 736-37
HLE Verhagen, Agency in Private International Law. The
Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Agency (Marinus
Nijhoff Publishers 1995)
in (1997) 113 Law Quarterly Review 177-84